October 4 & 5, 2025

Car, Truck, and Motorcycle Show
Sunday, October 5, 2025
Show goes to 4:00 pm
Gates are only open 7:30 am - 11:30 am.
The Nekoosa Giant Pumpkin Fest is proud to host a car show.
Entry Fee
$10 per vehicle (includes 2 free admissions into the festival.
Additional attendees will be charged a $3 admission fee. Children 6 and under are free.
No pre-registration, forms will be on site to be filled out.
Gates are only open 7:30 am - 11:30 am.
Entrants will be the judges again this year.
You will be judging the other vehicles within the category that you have chosen for your own vehicle.
Entrants will choose from one of the following categories.
Hot Rod
Muscle Car
Work in Progress
Low Rider
Rat Rod
Most Unique
Original Survivor
Most Customized
Best Display
Crowd Favorite
Registered entrants will be able to vote for any vehicle they feel is worthy to receive the
Big Trophy as the Crowd Favorite
Awards ceremony is approximately at 2 pm. Dash plaques are awarded until they are gone.
Cash prizes along with other miscellaneous drawings will be awarded throughout the day.
All vehicles must enter at the north end of Riverside Park (by the boat landing).
Please call Steven at (608) 547-7050 if there are any further questions.
Gates are only open 7:30 am - 11:30 am.
Disclaimer: Nekoosa Giant Pumpkin Fest and its management, park employees, etc. are not responsible for any injury, loss or damage that may occur to the exhibitor or the exhibitor’s employees or property from any cause or conditions. The exhibitor shall obtain, at his/her own expense, insurance against any such loss, injury or damage. Promoter shall not be liable for damage that may occur to exhibitors' products such as fire, water damage or acts of God.
This is a family friendly event, and no alcohol is allowed inside the park.